Tuesday, August 24, 2010


America is seeing unprecedented default rates on homes and foreclosures. Unfortunately, many of the banks that received massive amounts of Troubled Asset Relief Funds (TARP) from the Federal Government, have chosen not to follow the rules and assist homeowners in obtaining modifications as created through Homes Affordable Modification Programs (HAMP). Of course this means homeowners are facing sheriff sales, embarassment and stress.

You are not alone! There are literally millions of others who are experiencing these hard times. The banks have duties and our law firm is engaged in various forms of litigation to attempt to help homeowners to resolve the issues with their homes.

We are presently filing lawsuits and looking into potential class actions against the banks and mortgage servicer companies that have chosen to accept massive amounts of money but will not follow the rules. Contact our law firm today for more information on how we can assist you! Allie & Donham, LLC - 717.881.2284